Prepare for Winter like a True Mammal
It’s official! Fall has arrived! Animals are busily stocking their pantries and eating as much as they can in order to store up fat and sleep until spring. Are you experiencing this type of insatiable appetite and a desire to snuggle by the fire or burrow deep under a comforter? Despite our fast-paced lives, we have to remember that, like other mammals, we also need to prepare for winter! So why not take the time to slow down our hectic lifestyle and eat whenever we feel like it?
“There is no bad weather, only bad clothing.”
This saying comes to us from our Norwegian cousins, who live in a more northern and changeable climate than what we experience here in Québec. at this time of year, as overcast and sunny days come and go in their turn, it’s better to throw on a blanket and carry a raincoat in order to be prepared for anything during your next walking trip. The province features many trails that are accessible all year long. Take the time to discover them!
Summer Gourmet Tours in the Spring
Every tourist region in Québec has its own gourmet tours that highlight their distinctive local products in season.
Passionate artisans showcase their expertise and share a taste of their own corner of the country with you. Searching for these delights leads us to the Chemin du terroir in the Laurentians, the Route des saveurs in the Charlevoix region, and of course, the Route des bières in eastern Québec. These routes are dotted with destinations that are not to be missed; whose sole objective is to seduce your taste buds and fill you with joy.
Why not extend the pleasures of your foodie getaway by spending some time in one of Ôrigine’s welcoming properties? You will find everything you need to warm your body and your soul, and you can even continue your gastronomic journey by sampling the local fare prepared by our renowned chefs and featured on our seasonal menus.

All Bundled Up Around the Campfire
We tell ourselves to go outdoors, but what we really want is to stay warm and cozy. A campfire is the perfect occasion for getting together with friends and enjoying good food that is braised, grilled or cooked over the open flame. Chase it all down with a nice warming beverage, like hot cider or ice wine, and winter takes on a whole new flavour!

Prepare for winter by enjoying a variety of gastronomic pleasures!